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Come and join us for a session or two anytime



Do you have a free evening/morning?

Would like to come and learn with us, be encouraged, and receive some prophetic words? 


Then come and join in with one of our LSSMonline sessions.  2 hours on Zoom with the learning community, teaching from Bethel's Year 1 curriculum, group discussions and activations for your week.

Choose a topic / or a specific time and Book a place, 


Sessions available from Easter to June

Tuesday night 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm

Wednesday night 7 pm to 9 pm

Friday morning 10 am to 12 pm

See you soon.



You can pay on a pers session basis.  Any questions please use the chat or call 02071128845.


LSSMdropin Information

Bethel's DVD Curriculum is run in over 400 schools across the world.  The most amazing teaching and activation to set you on a life long path of bringing heaven to earth. If you have read any of Bethel's books, listen to Bill Johnson talks or been to a conference and now want to start learning how to live this Kingdom life with others like you, come and join us at the London School of Supernatural Ministry. 

For ten years we have been running the entire Year 1 & Year 2 curriculums.  We have seen hundreds of people, like you -

  • Find their identity

  • Learn how to hear God's voice,

  • Live a lifestyle of celebrating risk

  • Learn how to change the world around them through simple demonstrations of love & power

LSSManytime means you can study at your own pace when you'd like.  You will log into our own LMS website which will take you through the training.  Once a month we will have an hour group mentoring session, which will be recorded, so see encourage you and see how you are growing. You can also still be a part of the wider LSSM community

There are 112 talks in Year 1 split into 14 Modules of 8 talks.  Here are some of the subjects covered over Year One

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  hear from our present students doing LSSMonline  

Year 1


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